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2) Is KFCC a member of Connection for Children?



3) Is KFCC a member of any child nutrition program?

Yes, we are a member of International Institute of Los Angeles(IILA).


4) What range of age do you accept in KFCCC?

We provide care for children ranging from new born infants and up.


5) What are your working hours?

Our regular working hours are M-F from 8am to 6pm.


6) Have you considered all aspects of safety measures in your child care?

Yes, KFCCC is equipped with fire extenguisher, fire place screen and fire alarms in every room. All drawers and cabinets are equipped with safty lock devices to protect children from hazards and accidents.


7) What is your daily meal program?

We Serve breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks.


8) What is the nutrition program?

KFCCC is a member of International Institute of Los Angeles Child Nutriton program (IILA),the concern of this program is to provide a well balanced menu plans for infants, preschooler and school age children. As a member and active participant of nutrition program we adhere to the guidelines and policies set by administers of this program.


9) What is your policy on kid’s nutrition?

We believe that a healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, protein, whole wheat bread, milk . We avoid junk food , Juice and sugar saturated food. However we will accommodate your child’s particular diet.


10) Can I see some pictures of your child care and surrounding environment?

Yes, Please click here


11) What are your Holidays?

Please see the calendar

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